This is from HFD Station 19's website:
"One of our members, Randy Surratt, is in the fight for his life.
We are asking for your help to continue his treatment and help his kids.
Randy is 35 years old. He has been at HFD Station 19 since he was 'fresh off the tower' as a rookie 10 years ago.
Two years ago he was diagnosed with Lymphoma, and has fought a valiant battle so far.
He is currently undergoing treatment at MD Anderson Cancer Treatment Center, but the medical bills are piling up. The goal is to raise enough money to continue the fight.
All money raised will go toward medical bills and treatments, with any extra placed in a trust fund for his kids:Merranda, 9 and Caleb, 7."
HFD 19 is selling t-shirts designed by FireStationLogos.com, Steve Richardson, to raise money for Randy:
HFD 19 Help Randy
Houston Channel 2 News about Randy's Fight
We are praying and hoping for the best for Randy and his family. We are grateful he has such great friends.
Thank you all.